Elkin Guzman - Hydro Honey


MEET THE PRODUCER | Elkin Guzman comes from a storied history of coffee farming, processing, and selling - his family has been in the business for over 70 years, the latter twelve of which have been largely dedicated to pioneering and perfecting post-harvest processing techniques. For his part, Elkin has championed these efforts, combining different approaches to fermentation and drying techniques which complement the inherent characteristics of each individual lot from their farm in the small village of El Portal, Colombia.

TRUST THE PROCESS | Processing procedures at Elkin's farm, El Mirador, are highly standardized and carefully executed. After being measured for optimal sugar content in degrees Brix, each lot is carefully separated by both volume and density. It is only after these steps take place that Elkin and his team decide which processing method the lot will undergo - in the case of this one, Elkin's own Natural Hydro Honey process. You can think of this method as a hybrid of two traditional processing techniques: first, the lot is processed as a traditional natural coffee. After drying, the cherries are then re-hydrated and processed all over again using traditional honey processing techniques. 

TAKE A SIP | If we're choosing our fighter, the natural processing came out on top in terms of overall flavor profile. This coffee has big red fruit flavors, like black cherry, and a distinct cocoa nib note, both of which are common in naturally processed coffees. It's also wine-y in character - another nod to its first round of processing. However, this coffee also maintains a really vibrant acidity that is sometimes lost in natural processing, giving us a delightful limeade note. 


Origin | El Portal, Huila, Colombia

Producer | Elkin Guzman

Farm | Finca El Mirador

Process | Natural Hydro Honey

Variety |  Catiope

Elevation | 1550 - 1750 masl